How much must you earn to qualify for the SASSA Grant 2024?

SASSA earning to qualify for a grant

Your earnings depend on Your grant. Every grant will depend on different earnings if you earn more than your grant then you cannot qualify for the SASSA Grant. Here is the earning table for you to qualify for this grant.

GrantsSingle IncomeMarried Income
Child Support GrantR4,000R8,000
Foster Child GrantR20,800R41,600
Care Dependence GrantR20,800R41,600
Old Age GrantR96,840R193,680
Disability GrantR16,140R193,680
War Veterans GrantR86,280R172,560

SASSA Child Support Grant

To qualify for a child support grant, if you are single or your spouse is deceased, you must not earn more than R4,000 per month. If you are married, your combined income must be less than R8,000 per month. Many SASA applicants are not aware of these earnings criteria and end up appealing their failed status. It is important to gather all necessary information about the grant before applying and ensure that all required documents are submitted. These things are important to apply for a child support grant.

SASSA Foster Child Grant

To apply for the Foster Child Grant, you don’t need to provide any information about your income. This grant is provided based on the maintenance ordered by the South African court for the foster child. However, keep in mind that this grant is only available for foster carers. To apply for it, you’ll need to provide some documents such as your identity card and reference number.

Care Dependency Grant

This care dependence grant is only applicable to parents who apply for their children aged 18 years or above and whose monthly income is less than R20,800. If your monthly income exceeds the required amount for grant approval, your application may be marked as failed or rejected. To qualify for this grant as the primary caregiver, the combined income of both parents should not exceed R41,600 per month.

Old Age Grant

If you are single, you earn no more than R96,840. To be granted SASSA status, do not exceed this SASSA earnings threshold. The income standard for a married person is R193,680 which is a huge amount. Meet the requirements for SASSA status approval.

SASSA Disability Grant

Disability grant income not exceeding R96,840 per month. A married person’s earnings do not exceed R193,680. These incomes are different from other grants. This grant is only for disabled persons.

War Veterans Grant

War Veterans Grants are a way for the government to honor and support those who have served in the military. It recognizes the sacrifices made during conflicts and provides financial assistance to veterans who may need it.

A single SASSA War Veterans Grant applicant’s income does not exceed R86,280. A married person will get a maximum income of R172,560, not more. If you exceed the limit you cannot receive SASSA money.

SASSA in-Aid Grant

If you wish to apply for an SASSA AID grant, you mustn’t earn more than R8 070 as a single person. However, if you are married, the criteria are different, and you must not earn more than R193 680. If your income and assets increase in the future, your grant application may be canceled.

What is the SASSA Grant?

SASSA is an organization that helps needy and impoverished individuals in South Africa. To qualify for assistance, your yearly income must not exceed R90,000, which is the average standard for grants. If you meet the criteria for any of the grants, you will receive payment directly to your bank account. SASSA SRD is the primary caregiver for individuals in need who are unable to work. Each grant has specific income eligibility that must be met, which can be determined by using the means test tool.

How much must you earn to qualify for the Sassa grant

Qualification requirements do not earn more than SASSA criteria.

These are the key things you need to understand to qualify for a SASSA grant.

  • You must be a South African citizen and permanent resident.
  • You must not receive any social payment.
  • You must have zero balance in your bank account.
  • You must have a Complete Document
  • You must not be a refuge.
  • Not getting money from other grants
  • No high salary

Your eligibility for the grant will be determined by your income. Please refer to the grant income table to determine which grant is suitable for you.

Income Eligibility for All SASSA Grants.

The African Social Security Agency provides grants to people based on their income and assets. If you’re single, you can qualify for a grant if your income is below R1 372 800. If you’re married, you can qualify for a grant if your joint assets are below R2 745 600. These limits apply to all the grants provided by the agency, including war veterans, child support, care dependency, old age, and foster child grants. Remember that these limits are the maximum thresholds for all grants.

What are considered assets?

Assets like cash property may disqualify you for the grant, the SASSA considers assets as follows.

  • The money in your bank account if you are married or single.
  • Your house will be considered as an asset.
  • Business Profit
  • If you are retired and receiving retired funds
  • Your bonds and loans are considered assets

Can I apply for a SASSA Grant if I am still working?

If your earnings are more than those of the Social Security agency SASSA, you are not eligible to apply for the SASSA grant since SASSA will have data on the applicant.

How Does SASSA check the income status?

To determine your eligibility for a grant, your income status is evaluated through a means test. This test involves a calculator which calculates whether or not you meet the criteria for the grant. If your income exceeds the SASSA means test, you will not qualify for the grant. Various tools are utilized for this purpose.

Mean Test

Whether you’re married or unmarried, passing the means test is crucial to be eligible for a SASSA grant. The means test determines the income and assets range that the applicant falls into. If you earn more than the SASSA requirements which is determined by the means test. To check whether you are qualified or not use the SASSA means test tool. The means test tool calculates the applicant’s financial status, including their income, financial factors, and other important aspects that need to be checked.

How much is paid by the SASSA grant?

According to the February update of 2024. The SASSA social grant will be increased.

  1. Old age grant will receive R20 090
  2. Disability Grant Will receive R20 110 per month
  3. Foster child rant will receive R1103 per month
  4. Care dependence grant will receive R510 per month.
  5. Grant Aid will be received at R510 per month

How to APPEAL for these Grants.

You can appeal for these grants in the following ways.

  • SASSA Office
  • SASSA by a website
  • By WhatsApp
  • By MOYO App


  • ID card number
  • Phone number
  • And other documents that are important for the grant.


To qualify for a SASSA grant in South Africa specific SASSA balance is important, individuals must meet specific criteria based on means testing, including income and assets. Depending on the type of grant, such as the child support grant, war veterans grant, foster child grant, care dependency grant, or old age grant, different income thresholds apply. For instance, if you’re the primary caregiver of a child and earn less than the specified amount per month or year, you may be eligible for the child support grant.


If you exceed the earning limit of the SASSA criteria, then you get a failed or declined status. Your appeal should be canceled or not approved.

Those who earn more than the SASSA requirements.

From your bank account or some other related earning points to Your ID.

You need to know the qualification criteria to read the content given above the post.

Yes, the SASSA will check your bank account every month. The system will notify the SASSA that the person will earn more than our requirements.

It is not important to earn; if you earn more than R4,000, then your status cannot approved. If you are married, then R8,000 is the qualifying criterion.

Yes, you could apply for the job. Sassa’s qualification depends on your earnings. If you earn more than Sassa’s requirements, then it is a problem for you.

No, there is a specific income limit for all SASSA grants. There are different types of grants, and every grant has a different income limit.

No, you need to prove income data. The SASSA will check all your income data by mean test.

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