Why SASSA Status Check Declined Step-by-Step 2024.

This is a comprehensive system that could cover all of South Africa’s financial needs. Once you have applied for SASSA, the team will take some time to verify your eligibility and the completeness of your documents. In this discussion, we will cover the topic of SASSA Status Check Declined.

It is common for documents to be denied if they cannot verify your South African citizenship. Approval requires meeting specific criteria.

SASSA Status Check Declined

Why SASSA Status Check Declined?

Why sassa status is declined
  • Everything must be corrected: Providing accurate information for SASSA status approval is vital. If you believe your status should be approved quickly, please be aware that the SASSA team must verify millions of applications from South African cities before approving any status.
  • Applying Twice by Mistake: Your application may be rejected if you apply more than once for the same program using the same ID card and mobile number. This is because they may be unable to differentiate between the original and the duplicate application. Therefore, it is recommended that you apply only once.
  • Not Meeting the Rules: SASSA has specific roles and regulations that must be met to approve the status. If your status meets the SASSA criteria, your profile will be verified within a few days. However, your application will be failed if your status does not meet the criteria. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the SASSA criteria for approval.
  • Trying to Cheat: Most South African citizens attempt to verify their SASSA status through fraud, but ultimately, their status is rejected. It is necessary to provide accurate information during the application process to receive SASSA’s approval.
  • System error: The SASSA status has been declined due to a system error. Please verify if it’s through another platform like WhatsApp, SMS, or Facebook.
  • Due to system updates: The SASSA status has been declined due to a system update. You will need to verify it again in a few days.
  • Due to some Holidays, The SASSA status display will not update and will show “declined.”
  • Address issue: Your application has been declined as you entered an incorrect address in the relevant field. Please make sure to double-check all the details before applying again.

The solution of SASSA status declined:

  • Correct information: It is essential to avoid the “declined” sign and provide accurate information to prevent your status from being downgraded due to inaccurate details.
  •  Double-Check Information: Before submitting your information, please double-check its accuracy. Your eligibility for this level depends on the accuracy of this data. This is the most common role in life.
  •  Ensure System Compatibility: It is essential to check if your system is functioning correctly. Unfortunately, your profile could not be submitted due to the insufficient amount of data available at the time of submission. If you assume that your profile was submitted and it is not complete, it may be rejected.
  •  Try during the peak time of the SASSA team: It’s crucial to apply for SASSA during peak time for quick status checks.
  •  Contact SASSA support: If you encounter any issues during SASSA submission, please contact the support team for assistance in resolving the issue.
  •  Stay updated: You should stay updated on your SASSA status approval to increase your chances of approval.

Decrease the chance of Sassa’s status dropping

  • Find the mistakes: Identify errors that caused SASSA to refuse and avoid them.
  • Reconsideration appeal: If your application is rejected, you can appeal for reconsideration by following SASSA’s rules and regulations.
  • Use the correct appeal method: If you want to apply for SASSA, it’s essential to understand the process deeply. If you are unsure how to proceed, it is recommended that you seek the help of a professional who knows the ins and outs of the program. They can assist you in appealing for SASSA and ensuring that your application gets approved.

How to approve SASSA status.

There are different ways to approve the r350 status check declined.

  • By official site: The official SASSA website allows you to enter your information. Once approved, you can receive money within 90 days.
  •  By the office: This is the most effective method to get your status approved. You must go to the SASSA office and speak to a team member. They will guide you on how to complete the form. Your approval will depend on the strength of your appeal. If you provide accurate and complete information, your status should be approved within a few days. No issues were found during the verification process.
  •  By WhatsApp: If you need guidance on how to appeal online, send all necessary documents to the SASSA team via WhatsApp. They will review your records and give you a congratulatory notification within a few days.
  •  Patience: Approval for status requires patience and adherence to clear guidelines.
  •  Contact a support team: The support team will provide instructions on regaining your status.

How to Appeal for SASSA SRD Grant

Please follow the steps below to lodge an appeal or check the appeal status for your SRD grant on the SASSA website:

  • Go to the SRD grant appeals SASSA website.
  • Click on the green bar that says, ‘Click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status.’
  • Enter your ID number and cellphone number.
  • Click on ‘Send Pin’ and wait for the SMS containing the verification pin.
  • Enter the received pin and click ‘Submit.’
  • Select the month you are submitting an appeal for.
  • Choose the reason for your appeal by clicking on the drop-down arrow.
  • Click ‘Submit.’


This is due to incorrect information, document error, system error, or applying twice. If you are not a citizen of South Africa, your status should be declined.

The SASSA status has declined for some reasons. You earn more than R600 in your bank account, are doing some job at the best place, and must fulfill the sassa requirements.

According to government rules, the SA citizen could not get both grants at a specific time, so the UIF-registered Sassa status was declined.

There are ways here.

  • Reconsideration appeal
  •  Re-appeal with another ID.
  •  Provide correct information


As a SASSA specialist, you must re-appeal for the SASSA quality if your status is declined. Your status is rejected chiefly due to incorrect information and system problems. So, it is essential to re-appeal for the program of R350 status check declined.

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